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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity





[One of the most outstanding theologians of all times, Thomas devoted himself to deepening the Christian faith through prayer and study. During his rather short life, (he died at the age of 49 in the year 1274), he managed to write many books on various biblical, theological and philosophical issues. He is the patron saint of all Catholic schools and he is known as the ‘Angelic Doctor’] Daily Missal

Hebrew 10:19-25, mark 4:21-25


It is an obvious fact that a tree cannot make a forest. Our journey towards eternity is personal, but not without the support of like minds. It is important to be in company of those who share in our goal and interest. The fruits of the unity that comes from common obedience can go a long way to strengthen our muscle for the attainment of our desired goals.

However, for cheer irresponsibility or avoidance of task that can take us out of our comfort zone, we often despise the company of other believers. At times, we settle for such aphorism which says that, “Church is in the mind”. When we have not other cogent reasons, we may result to complain about aberrations in the church or take to picking on individuals who ways of life are antithetical to ours.

In our today’s first reading, we are admonished,

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrew 10:23-25

The Lord can never desert the gathering of his children. Whenever we gather in his name, he is always in our midst. And he has special blessings for each of our gathering. It all depends on whether we are disposed for his blessings or not. The reason why we gather matters a lot

We should be cleared with the fact that, every church gathering must take into consideration the presence of the Lord who has promised that he will be with his church till end of time. Matthew 28:20.  More so, as a family in Christ, we must take as paramount, the welfare of our fellow members. We must shun competition and whatever that may not serve our journey to eternity. As long as our religious gathering is built on Christ, it will surely be a home to be.

Interestingly, our saint for today, St Thomas, wrote a lot of books for the growth of the Christians faith. Some of his writings are part of what form the basic teaching of the church today. May St Thomas pray for us.

May the love of God always dwell among us, and may we sons and daughters of encouragement in our communities, through Christ our Lord Amen.

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