In today’s world, many Christians believe that only members of their denomination are accepted by Christ and destined for salvation. This mindset often leads to excluding others, viewing them as “too contaminated” for Christ’s grace. This attitude mirrors that of the early Christians, who struggled to comprehend how Jesus could accept Saul—a former persecutor of Christians—as an apostle. Even Ananias hesitated when Jesus instructed him in a vision to help Saul, expressing doubt and prejudice (Acts 9:13-14). These believers seemed to forget that God shows no favouritism (Romans 2:11).
Sadly, this mindset persists among many Christians today. This often creates barriers to the work of God. Whether intentional or not, such attitudes limit the transformative power of God’s mercy and grace. We must remember that Christ’s message is one of love and inclusion, extending beyond human boundaries and prejudices.
The mercy of God has no limit. No man or woman has the right to dictate the extent of his love. Let us embrace this truth and reflect it in our actions, breaking down walls of division and embodying the boundless love of Christ.
May God open the eyes of our hearts to truly grasp the depth of his message: a message of mercy, love, and acceptance for all who turn to him. Amen.
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