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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




_St Batholomew was one of the Twelve apostles. He came from Cana in Galilee. He is usually identified with Nathaniel. Tradition holds that after Pentecost, he preached the gospel in Armenia , and suffered Martyrdom there._ (Daily Missal)

R1:- Revelation 21:9b-14
PS:- 145:10-11.12-13ab.17-18 (R.12a)
Accl:- John 1:49b
Gosp:- John 1:45-51

There is danger in dealing with people or a person who do not know who we are. We are not safe in the hands of such individuals. They can misrepresent us or make mockery of our personality.

However, on the part of Jesus, we can not know his true identity unless we draw closer to him. A journey with him is a journey of our self-discovery. He knows us more than we know ourselves.

As a result of prejudice, Nathaniel would have missed the opportunity of meeting the Lord. He asked Philip, _”Can anything good come out of Nazareth_ .” Having encountered Jesus, he was cured of his preconceived ideas about where he(Jesus) came from. To his amazement, the Lord revealed his real identity to him and he promised him greater things. *Personal encounter is a cure to prejudice* .

” _You shall see greater things than these…..you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man_ ”

Dear ones, it is dangerous to play people down because of where they come from. We must not judge every book by its cover. God works is mysterious ways. Therefore, let us be opened to the message of Christ. Let us welcome the new things he is ready to do in our lives.

May we encountered the Lord in order to gain perfect knowledge of ourselves. May our self-discovery win us the prize of achieving greater things.

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