Homily of the Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11, Titus 2:11-14,3:4-7, Luke 3:15-16,21-22
The Baptism of the Lord marks the moment Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. It signifies the beginning of his public ministry and reveals his identity as God’s beloved Son.
Through this act, Jesus sanctified the waters of baptism, inviting all to repentance and a new life in the Spirit.Biologically, we are all creatures of God, living in the state of nature. By the virtue of our baptism, we become God’s children. According to the catechism of the Catholic church, “Baptism is the sacrament which washes away original sins, makes us God’s children and members of the church.”
A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace ordained by Jesus Christ by grace is given to our souls. It is one of the means of salvation which Jesus has left for us as a patterns or channels of holiness. If Jesus Christ, who was sinless, humbled himself to be baptised, we too must be willing to follow his example. He is the Lord who leads by action. Through baptism, we share in his threefold ministry as Priest, Prophet, and King. By being baptised into Christ, we take on these sacred roles in his mission. Our new identity in Christ calls for a life of proper decorum and purpose.

As priests, we are bridge builders, called to connect others to God. Our lives should be attractive, serving as a model for holy living.As prophets, we are God’s mouthpieces. We must be mindful of our words, recognising their power and avoiding careless speech. Instead, our words should minister grace and uplift others.As kings, we must embrace our authority, living without fear of evil.
God’s power and authority dwell within us, and we should carry ourselves with the confidence and dignity befitting a king.Above all, the baptism of the Lord calls us repentance and new life in the spirit. As baptised Christians we are meant to watch against sins lest we lose the benefits attached to our identity. More so, we should have a daily journey with the Holy Spirit. May the light of Christ in us never be dimmed. Amen.
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