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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity



There is a fundamental error pertinent to our wellbeing that we need to address today. It is the ignorant error of avoiding medical checkup.  It is common today to hear people say things like: If you do not pay tithes to God you will pay to the devil through the doctors, doctors are people who help those without faith in God for their healing, I will not spend my money on doctors, etc. There are also some religious sects that see doctors and medications as sinful and evil and as such should be avoided. These people neither visit the hospital nor take medication when they are sick and they therefore according to the late Afro legend Fela, “die wrongfully.” And there are also the majorities who go to the hospital only when they are in critical condition.

Now read this: When you buy a brand new car, you are not expected to go the mechanic soon for repairs but you are expected to visit the mechanic after driving the car for a certain distance to change the engine oil and oil filter and that process is known as servicing the car. The fan or engine belt although still looking new needs to be changed after driving the car over a certain distance. There are certain trips you make that you need to check the tires for air pressure or any abnormalities. Why do you need to do these? To prevent damages to the car that will cause pollution to the environment and accidents that could be fatal as well. You cannot wake up and prophesy over the vehicle and say “oh vehicle, I will not pay tithes to the devil through the mechanic, mechanics will not see my money, my vehicle is covered with the blood of Jesus”, etc. After all the powerful declarations and prophesies upon the vehicle, God, the manufacturer and the mechanic still expect you to the take the vehicle for checkup or servicing, otherwise, you will through that vehicle pose a danger to yourself and the public. The above example applies to every tool or instrument we use daily if they must remain efficient. We wash our plates and cutleries after use, we sharpen knives, blades and cutlasses, we oil machines, we clean the dust from appliances and as a rule, we take care of the things we love and use.

Your present state and functionality is directly proportional to your health.  In other words, as your health decreases so does your present state and functionality, hence the slogan” health is wealth”. Today we hear about people who seemed healthy and lively few moments earlier slump and die. Others supposedly went to bed healthy never to wake up again. Some die suddenly during exercise or other strenuous activities and whereas others go to the doctor only when their ill health has attained an advanced stage.  It is therefore pertinent to religiously take care of your health. This is why you need to visit the doctor for periodic checkups even when you appear healthy.

  1. What is Medical Checkup?

From our first example of servicing your vehicle to avoid breakdown, we can define medical checkup as health maintenance or health servicing.

Regular check-ups are the best form of preventive health care which can prevent unnecessary hospitalization and reduce the cost of primary care and this makes you enjoy healthier, longer and happy life.

  1. Why Medical Checkup?

A medical checkup can uncover an occult disease or harmful habit in their early stages which can be effectively controlled or eradicated due to early discovery. Some diseases are asymptomatic and are diagnosed only when checkups are carried out.

Another benefit of a regular checkup is knowledge — for both you and your doctor and connection between you and your doctor.  Your visits give you and your doctor a firsthand knowledge of your personal health and when a health crisis occurs, you will have a doctor who already knows what to do sooner.

The periodic checkups of pregnant women also called antenatal have proven to be of great benefits leading to a decrease in maternal and infant mortality through timely interventions.

  1. How often should there be a Medical Checkup?

The frequency of your visits depends on your sex, age, environment, work and social life.

  1. What do you check for?

The following are recommended only for those who appear healthy.

From age 19-39

Schedule of visits

Males: Every five years

Females: Every three to five years

Blood pressure

Cholesterol and glucose levels

BMI, waist and hip measurements

Dental check and cleaning

Skin cancer checks

Testes self-checks (men)

Breast self-checks (women) every three years starting at age 20

If sexually active:

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) screenings

Pap smear every two years (women)

Limit dietary fat, general nutrition advice

Folic acid supplementation in women of childbearing age

Tobacco cessation

Tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years

Varicella vaccine (if you have a negative test and no history of chickenpox infection)

Rubella vaccine (if you have a negative test)

Hepatitis B vaccine (if not done previously)

Influenza vaccine (optional, depends on personal preference)


Age 40-64

Schedule of visits

Males: Every five years

Females: Every three to five years

All of the same checks as in age 19-39 plus:

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Mammogram (optional 40-49, yearly 50-75)

Eye checks for glaucoma

Preventive medications

Daily aspirin for people with risk factors for or established heart disease


Age 65 and over

All of the same checks as in age 40-64 plus:

Osteoporosis Risk Assessment

Bowel cancer screening (also called FOBT – faecal occult blood test)

Visual acuity and hearing impairment tests

Schedule of visits

Every one to two years

Pap smear (may be performed at the mutual consent of the woman and doctor after age 65)

Annual mammogram until age 75

Vision testing after age 74

Hearing testing after age 74

Remember: Early diagnosis prevents early death. This can be possible only when you do regular medical checkup.

 What do you think about this article? Please make your comments in the comment section provided.



  • First ,I agree that doctors and all the other people in the medical field are part of God’s ways of healing because in
    2nd Kings 20 ,we see King Hezekiah receiving healing from God and He does not directly heal him but instructs that they use a herb ( medicine) to achieve that so God is not against medicine and using them doesn’t mean that one’s faith is weak. Check ups are indeed helpful and most of us would love to that regularly but costs discourage many from doing it only to end up paying more costly hospital bills for things that would have been prevented or dealt with at an earlier stage. I grown up fighting severe acne and at times I blamed my parents because I felt like if they had taken early measures then a huge part of my life would have been different. My teenage life was rough because of it so were my early youthful life and I have had to spend so much just to reverse the situation. Thanks for this article

    • Thanks for your contribution. Do not blame your parents any longer as many parents take their children for checkup only in the first few years of their lives and only when the children fall sick again. From age 19 where periodic checkup begins the teenage and young adult is already in high school or away from home on a journey to self building. That is why we need to teach our current generation to maintain or service their health

      • I stopped blaming them just that during the battle with the acne I felt like they had failed to do something about it early enough. But we are cool

  • That is fine. Acne has the tendency to cause depression although and I think that was one reason for the blame.
    Great to known all ended well

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