Dear friends in Christ, in our worship of God and journey with him, faith cannot be overemphasized. It is the supernatural gift of God that helps us to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed. What has God revealed? Our redemption in Christ Jesus, our wellness, that we have been forgiven, loved and cherished, that we are God’s children and as such have the rights and privileges therein.
Dear friends, in the gospel reading of today, we see two great acts of the demonstration of faith. Jarius who was one of the rulers of the synagogue came to Jesus and laid aside his position and office to demonstrate his total trust and faith in Jesus by prostrating before him to make his request co concerning his little daughter who was at the point of death. Now watch what he said; “come and lay your hands on her so that she may be made well.” Jarius already believed that as soon as Jesus lays hands on her she must be made well. What an incredible faith.
The second demonstration of faith is that of the woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years. What she told herself was “if only I can touch the hem of his garment I will be made well.” She indeed touched Jesus and the power of healing was transmitted to her immediately.
Dear friends, we have a lot to learn from these experiences. We must learn to cast all our cares, hope and trust in Jesus just like Jarius. Jarius did not take pride in his office as a ruler of the synagogue. He killed his pride before Jesus because he understood only Jesus could save his daughter. We must kill our pride and learn to invite Jesus into our situations while believing they won’t remain the same. Even though the crowds may come as distractions, we must remain focused on Jesus.
We must also be ready to develop the faith of the woman and believe that only Jesus can save. Imagine Jesus telling you the same thing today “your faith has made you well.” Mind you, this woman had suffered from the hands of many physicians. Sometimes, people feed on our problems. Only faith in Jesus can turn things around.
Let us pray that we may have a strong faith to stay unwavering at the feet of Jesus that our faith may heal us. Amen.
The Lord be with you.
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