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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

The Christian Identity: Doing God’s will



Dear friends in Christ, in the readings of today, one thing is paramount. This is about doing the will of God. In the first reading, our Lord Jesus Christ is described by the author of the letter to the Hebrews as one who came to do the will of God. He is God who came to do His will and by extension doing the Will of the Father.

The will of God is what gives us identity as Christians. It is not so much in the bearing of the name Christian, but doing the will of God. Jesus gives us an example to follow when he said according to the letter to the Hebrews, “See I have come to do your will.” It is in action. The name Christian is not just a noun but a verb. It is an action word. It is in doing his will that we are best placed as Christians.

Dear friends, does it not bother us that we have many people bearing Christian names but are at the forefront of pushing the agenda of anti Christianity? Does it not bother us that we have many Christians who have reservations about the teachings of Jesus?

In the gospel reading, Jesus is told that his mother and siblings were waiting for him outside. He immediately responded that his mother and siblings are those who do the will of God. He does not dispute them as his mother and siblings, but affirms that they do the will of God and that all of us who do the will of God come into his fold and become his family members.

Dear friends in Christ, in doing the will of God, we must not compromise. The will of God must come first on our list if we must be truly Christians. Thomas Aquinas is celebrated today as a great saint of the church simply because he never compromised in doing the will of God. He used his gift of intelligence to defend the faith and even proved God’s existence. You too can be a saint.

We ask God for his grace to do his will at all times. Amen

The Lord is with you.

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