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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Purified By Fire & The Truth of the Gospel

By Rev. Fr. Ekeshiri Jude Emeka CSSp

(Ephesians 3:14-21, Luke 12:49-53)

When we contemplate on the comments of Jesus today, we would tend to be moved with shock and confusion. The reason is that, the mission of Jesus on earth was to bring peace and happiness to everyone, leading them to salvation through the truth of His message.

But in the gospel, Jesus said, “I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already! There is a baptism I must still receive, and how great is my distress till it is over! ‘Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on a household of five will be divided: three against two and two against three; the father divided against the son, son against father” (Luke 12:49-53).

Looking at the words of Jesus, one would ask, “Is the prince of Peace now an entity of confusion and contradiction? No!, we should understand that, Jesus is using a figurative language to express the implications of the gospel of truth between the believers and the non-believers. Fire purifies and Baptism washes anew. That is the state of affairs that the gospel of Christ institutes.

The truth purifies the earth and washes it anew, such that the people of the world refuse to hear it because of its purifying effect. Thus, the rancour and confusion stated in the gospel is the effect of the truth. The gospel urges us to an examination of conscience to speak the truth that brings peace to the righteous but causes division to an unsettled mind.

When the truth of the gospel is proclaimed, righteous hearts are at peace but the heart of the wicked is in trouble with divisions, confusion, fire and rancour. Indeed, Jesus has brought everlasting peace and truth! How do we relate with this gospel? How do we allow the good news to change us for good. May the good news not be a tool of confusion to us. Peace be with you.

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