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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

One Thing is Needful, Focus on Jesus

By Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Aghidi CSSp

Texts: Galatians 1:13-24, Luke 10:38-42.

Dear friends in Christ, let us examine our Christian practices and activities. How many of them help us to grow our faith? How many of them truly bring us before Christ so as to learn from him who has the message of eternal life?

Today, Jesus visits Mary and Martha. Mary sits to listen to Jesus while Martha was busy cooking and serving. She was doing something great. She was fulfilling Christian duty of hospitality. But guess what, when she complains she is not getting any assistance from Mary, Jesus replies her that only one thing is needful, and Mary has chosen the better part. A heart break right?

Dear friends, it only shows that we can think we are pleasing God but we are not. Yesterday, Paul was weeping over the many infiltrations entering into the gospel of Christ. He begged believers to shun them and believe only that which they received from him and other apostles. In the various eras of the Church, after the period of the early Christians, there is the period of the Apostolic Fathers. These are those who received the gospel message from the apostles or those that received the message from those that received it from the apostles. We are called to hold tenaciously to the authentic message that we received.

However dear friends, what has happened today? The many proliferations of ministries are setting confusion among Christians with regards to the interpretation of the gospel. In all these interpretations and practices, what is authentic is that which came from the mouth of Jesus. On the Internet today, we see a lot of interpretations of the gospel that are not what Jesus said. People simply do this to satisfy their interest. Let us not be carried away by rituals and practices. Let us not be so concerned about the fanciful appearances of our Christian activities that we forget the one who is at the center of our experiences Christ the Lord.

Do not forget the authentic message you received from Jesus. Never let yourself be deceived. In all you do, always ask yourself “what is Jesus saying about this?” I tell you, that is only what matters.

The Lord be with you

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