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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

#LittleThingsThatChangeLives With Bro Andrew Oghoghorie – No Man Is An Island


We often hear the word “no man is an island”. This is probably because we can not produce all that we need for our existence and we will need to survive. And each time we look around us, we see people behave like they have it all. This has paved way for pride in the society where people feel proud about what they have, a vice that has turned people into monsters, unfortunately, a vice that has also ruined many people who don’t get the solution they need when the need arises.

Many people have thrown to the dusk the spirit of healthy relationships amongst other people, only to realize later on that they actually need people to get some things done.

Hearing stories and folk tales have been of great delight to me; from the time of “Tales by moonlight” on NTA in the nineties, to now when I sit at my Father’s feet to hear his inspiring stories about life. 

I came across an article that read, “Don’t we all need help?”. After reading the story, the helpless situation of our fallen world came to the fore, so much so that one can conclude that we all really need help from others at some point in our lives. And even with all the advancements in science and technology, we all still need help from other people. We all cohabitate to get what we need from each other. For example, a banker needs the services of a cobbler; just as a medical doctor needs the services of a tailor. 

I realized that some of those we look down on others don’t understand the benefits one might enjoy if they actually spend time loving people and appreciating and helping people.  Let us, therefore, humble ourselves and put ourselves in each other’s service of humanity.





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