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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

HOW TO MEET THE NEEDS OF JESUS, By Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua, CSSp



Leviticus 19:1-2,11-18, Matthew 25:31-46


“For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.”

God made us in his image. Our likeness to him is in our soul. When man fell through Adam, he sent his Son, the second Adam to reconcile us back to himself. Sharing in our humanity through Jesus, God reconciles us to himself so that we can enjoy our own share of his divinity. Our new life in Christ helps us to live out the life of God and to join the race of winning our lost brothers and sisters back to him.

As Christians, especially as Catholics, we believe that Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father. He is present in the Holy Eucharist of the altar, and he is present everywhere.

In our today’s gospel, the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that he is concretely present to us anytime or wherever there is a need to give life to others. He is the giver of life. By sin, we die, but Jesus bought us back by his death upon the cross. He wants us to be at the service of life the same. In John 10:10, he said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”

As people, who have come to share in the life of Christ, we are meant to continue his work of mercy. He told us that he is present in the cry of those who are hungry. He said that he is present in those who thirst. Anytime we welcome a stranger, we are dealing with Jesus. An act of generosity to the naked is charity to him. And any visit we pay to the sick and those in prison is a deposit into Jesus’ account. Summarily, he meets us everyday in those we meet, especially in those who cry for help.

During this period of lent, we can be more generous and hospitable. We can be more compassionate and willing to help in fixing the problems around us. Even our community project has human face. It mirrors the face of Jesus, who calls to responsibility.

May we be more human and may all the good we do, be sown for an eternal harvest, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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