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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

GOD’S ABIDING PRESENCE, By Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp



Acts 8:5-8,14-17, 1 Peter 3:15-18, John 14:15-21


God is ever present. Though invisible, He expresses himself in our lives and words. He is praised in our testimonies. He remains all in all, even in our sufferings.

“Philip went to a Samaritan town and proclaimed the Christ to them. The people united in welcoming the message Philip preached, either because they had heard of the miracles he worked or because they saw them for themselves.”

God’s voice is louder, even in his silence. His seeming absence is an affirmation of his abiding presence. When we think he is not there, he reminds us that he is not unawares of our sorrows. When we bask in our assurance of his closeness, he tells us to put on the cloak of humility, lest we fall from grace because of spiritual pride.

Moreover, we learn from the second reading that, by God’s words, he lives with us. By doing his will he continues to live through us, even though we face rejection and persecution. Puts in the words of Job, “If he comes to me, I shall not see him, and if he goes away, I shall not understand.” [Job 9:11. According to Susan Muto, “Given the paradox of presence in seeming absence, it is no wonder we walk in faith and not by sight.”

In today’s gospel, he tells us that the Holy Spirit, which affirms his abiding presence is in us, though we may not know.

“but you know him,

because he is with you, he is in you.

I will not leave you orphans;

I will come back to you.

In a short time, the world will no longer see me;

but you will see me,

because I live and you will live.”

 We will soon resume a moment of expectancy when we shall recall the birth of the church at Pentecost. This will be the day we shall call on the Holy Spirit who lives within us, to set our heart on fire anew and open our hearts to his daily promptings so that we may enjoy the abiding presence of the Divine Saviour.

May the testimonies of our lives, may our words be a daily symphony of God’s abiding presence, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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